Eero Aarnio Originals – the sole authorised manufacturer of classic designs by Eero Aarnio



Eero Aarnio,一位芬兰艺术家 

芬兰著名设计大师 Eero Aarnio 在本届西岸艺术与设计博览会上呈现其在亚洲的首个大型展览“圆周之旅”。展览的户外单元设于西岸艺术中心 A 馆广场,展出了 Eero Aarnio 最新创作的四件雕塑作品。这些作品特别为此次在上海的展览定制,灵感来源于他广为人知的经典设计 Pony 和备受喜爱的设计近作 Kisu。


Eero Aarnio, An Artist from Finland

Renowned Finnish designer Eero Aarnio presents his first major exhibition in Asia, "A Full Circle," at West Bund Art & Design 2024. The outdoor section of the exhibition is located in the plaza of Hall A at the West Bund Art Center and features four of Eero Aarnio's latest sculptures. These pieces were specially created for this exhibition in Shanghai, drawing inspiration from his well-known classic design, Pony, and his beloved recent work, Kisu.

《大Pony(白)》Giant Pony (White)

Eero Aarnio

玻璃钢,不锈钢 Fibreglass, stainless steel

274 x 224 x 167 cm


《大Pony(橙)》Giant Pony (Orange)

Eero Aarnio

玻璃钢,不锈钢 Fibreglass, stainless steel

274 x 224 x 167 cm



尽管早年的设计已经展现出独特的风格和特点,但 Eero Aarnio 将1973年的Pony视为他的第一件真正突破常规的设计作品。他重新思考了椅子的概念:人们几乎可以在任何地方坐下,座位不一定非要是传统的椅子或沙发,人们可以坐在楼梯上、石头上、树桩上、或者小马背上……于是,他决定设计一个可以像骑马一样坐上去的柔软动物造型。

Eero Aarnio 的Pony并非普通的椅子,设计师本人更倾向于称其为“座位”。Eero设计Pony的初衷是为了提供一个舒适的坐姿体验。它的尺寸符合人体工学设计,高度正好适合背部和双腿放松。人们可以像骑马一样骑在上面,也可以侧坐。Eero最初设计了小尺寸版本给孩子们使用,但孩子也总是喜欢攀爬上更大的Pony。成人尺寸的版本看上去也像是孩子们的大型玩具。“当然了,我们都是大小孩,”Eero Aarnio 如是说。

The Story of Pony

Although his previous pieces had already possessed uniqueness and characteristics, Eero Aarnio describes Pony as his first very unusual design. He thought about chairs. One can sit almost anywhere. A seat doesn’t even have to be a chair or a sofa. One can sit on the stairs, on a rock, on a tree stump, on a horse, on a pony… He decided to design a soft animal figure, which you could sit on, like riding a horse.

 Eero Aarnio’s Pony is no regular chair. The designer himself prefers to rather call it a seat. Eero designed the Pony first and foremost to provide a comfortable form. The size came out of ergonomics, it is the perfect height for back and feet to rest. One can ride it or sit sideways on it. Eero initially designed the smaller size for children, however, the young have always been as keen on to climb on the larger Pony. It looks like a child’s oversized toy, even though the dimensions are designed for adults. “We are all big kids, of course”, says Eero Aarnio.

《大Kisu(金)》Giant Kisu (Gold)

Eero Aarnio

玻璃钢,不锈钢 Fibreglass, stainless steel

158 x 212 x 77 cm (底座直径 base diameter 150 cm)


《大Kisu(银)》Giant Kisu (Silver)

Eero Aarnio

玻璃钢,不锈钢 Fibreglass, stainless steel

158 x 212 x 77 cm (底座直径 base diameter 140 cm)



在20世纪40年代,Eero Aarnio 10岁时,全家住在赫尔辛基Kallio社区的一栋公寓。那里不允许养宠物,街上却常有流浪猫出没,小Eero时常把猫抱回位于公寓五楼的家中。母亲通常会允许Eero让猫在家里留宿一天,Eero很爱与猫玩耍。

尽管后来家里养了一只狗,Eero爱猫的情结一直都在。他说:“对我来说,猫总是一个很能令我共情的可爱动物形象。” Eero在创作生涯中设计了不少狗的造型和角色,在2020年,他觉得也终于是时候为猫设计一个。“Kisu”这个名字对Eero来说是个自然而然的选择,因为“Kisumisu”曾是Eero童年时全家对猫咪的亲切昵称。

The Story of Kisu

When Eero was 10 years old, their family lived in an apartment building in Kallio. They were not allowed to bring pets there, and therefore, the family didn’t have any pets at that time. It was the 1940s and stray cats would wander in the streets in the part of the city where the Aarnios lived. Young Eero would catch these cats and carry them home in his arms to the family’s apartment on the 5th floor. Eero’s mother would let him keep the cat for one day and he loved to play with them.

Even though, later on the family ended up having a dog, Eero has always found cats charming as well. “Cat has always been a very sympathetic animal character for me”, he says. Eero has designed several dog figures and characters during his career, and in 2020,he finally decided it was time for the cat as well. The name Kisu was a natural choice for him as in his childhood, Kisumisu, was a common term of endearment for cats in the Aarnio family.

Eero Aarnio在家中工作室,2024
Eero Aarnio in home studio, 2024

1960年的Eero Aarnio
Eero Aarnio in 1960

关于Eero Aarnio

Eero Aarnio (1932-) 是我们这个时代最重要的设计师之一,他的作品对设计行业产生了深远的影响。Eero Aarnio 创作了许多具有极高辨识度和亲和力的设计,如球椅、泡泡椅、香皂椅和Pony椅,这些作品已经深深植根于流行文化中。自20世纪60年代问世以来,这些标志性设计通过时尚摄影、室内设计杂志、广告、音乐视频、游戏和其他媒体在全球范围内广泛展示。




点击此处阅读Eero Aarnio展览“圆周之旅”展位单元作品介绍.

About Eero Aarnio

Eero Aarnio (1932-) is one of the most important designers of our time. His work has left a lasting impression on the design industry. Having created many immediately recognizable and relatable designs such as the Ball Chair, the Bubble Chair, the Pastil Chair, and the Pony Chair, Eero Aarnio’s work has been cemented in popular culture. Ever since their creation in the 1960s, these iconic designs have been widely displayed internationally through fashion photography, interior design magazines, advertising, music videos, games, and other media. 

Aarnio’s design vocabulary has often been seen as a joyful mix of Pop Art and space age. Having worked in the studios of the modernist period’s master designers, Aarnio carved out a completely personal, unique design philosophy that goes beyond classic furniture design and ventures into art. While masterfully using materials, respecting ergonomics and designing for purpose, many of Aarnio’s creations have a distinct sculptural appearance that is unmatched within the industry. 

Click here to read the introduction to the booth section of Eero Aarnio's exhibition "A Full Circle".
